It's easy to ignore, though, and I highly recommend the Free Snipping Tool if you want a quick and easy screen capture software. The settings also have an option to keep the software updated automatically, though there was a bug where it thought I didn't have the latest version and prompted me to return to their website to get the latest version. This tool was first included in Windows 2005 and, apart from a few bug fixes, has not received any new functions.
Snipping tool download for windows 8 windows 10#
(Image-1) Find Snipping Tool on Windows 10 The snipping tool has been part of Windows for a long time. You can even generate a QR code for others to access. Select Windows Accessories and tap on Snipping Tool.

You can dive into the settings to tell it to upload it to your account directly on your behalf, and you can also find other uploading options such as Dr opbox, Google Drive, Amazon S3, or send Web Requests. The Free Snipping Tool allows you to upload the picture directly online to ImgHostr, copy it to your clipboard, or upload it to various social media sites (no Instagram, unfortunately). When you're happy with the way your capture looks, that's when you take a look at the options lining the bottom. The only drawback to any of these functions is that you can't change the shape of the text, making its usefulness more limited.
Snipping tool download for windows 8 how to#
You can write on it with the pen tool, highlight certain parts with the highlighting tool, create arrows to draw attention to a particular point, create text to subtitle the picture, and create lines and other shapes. How to use the Snipping Tool in Windows 8 to capture a Screenshot Press the Windows Key on the keyboard to bring up the start screen. These are all on the right hand side of the selection, and includes most of the functions you'd find in a basic photo editing program. Once you've selected the area you want to snip, the Free Snipping Tool will also provide you with a number of editing options. It's also where you can find most of the information on the software. If you want a few more options in regards to capturing, you can right click on it in the tray to add a delay after the initial key-press to get into a better position if needed.

Once you press the Print Screen button on your computer, it automatically kicks in and lets you select an area to snip out.

To open Snipping tool, go to start and type Snipping tool in the search bar. Once you run it, it sits in your desktop tray, not even cluttering up your taskbar. Answer (1 of 4): Snipping tool is pre-installed in Windows 7. The Free Snipping Tool is a very easy and straightforward way to edit and upload a screen capture.